Hi all, we hope you guys are well and looking forward to the proposed changes that are planned. It’s been great to see those of you who have returned to the studio since we re-opened in August and we look forward to seeing more of you as the days and weeks progress. We thought now would be a good time to comment on the projected road map announced by the government in recent weeks.
Firstly there is a lot of confusion as to whether or not bands are currently able to return to the studio. The short answer is that if you are professional or working towards a professional engagement or writing/arranging for a commercial release then you are allowed to rehearse. However, the definition of professional is quite broad, meaning that if you are paid in any way shape or form for your performance, be that £10 or £100,000 that is considered a professional engagement. It does not have to be pre-determined fee either so, for example, if you are playing at the Windmill and you are given a cut of the door at the end then that counts as a professional engagement.

Step 1 – 8th March / 29th March
Professional Musicians
Any professional musicians / groups can rehearse if their rehearsal is for a paid gig. There is no time frame for when the gig has to take place so it can be for a gig tonight or months in the future. Perhaps you are preparing for next New Years Eve? It should be a good one!
Solo musicians
You are on your own, right? So the only person you are going to be confined to a room with is yourself and that awesome new rig you want to test out at full blast. Don’t forget to keep the doors closed.
This is considered a professional activity. Should you be recording a demo which will be used for booking shows, seeking professional contracts or recording for a commercial release this is considered work.
Talking of recording, why not check out our new recording website? http://brixtonrecording.com – we are offering 50% off all bookings for a limited time.
Broadcasting / Streaming
Any live performance broadcasting is considered a work activity should it involve any possible reward at any point. This can include any payment from song writing residuals / royalties paid to you by a body like the PRS to donations made to your paypal account in respect of the said broadcast.
Private teaching
The Musicians Union’s published advice is that private tuition can happen if the lessons are “…for the purposes of obtaining a regulated qualification, meeting the entry requirements for an education institution, or to undertake exams and assessments“. Again, if your students are studying towards some kind of attainment then you are good to go.
We are also happy to announce we are now an RSL Awards examination centre, so if your students are studying towards an RSL award exam, then the chances are they will be taking their exam in the familiar surroundings of BXHS.
Amateur Musicians
If you get together just to play for fun, a musical “kick about in the park” and you have no pretence towards playing a paid engagement then I am afraid that you are still subject to the rules regarding no internal mixing with members from another household.

Step 2 – 12th April
Professional Musicians / Recording / Broadcasting / Streaming / Solo Musicians / Private Teaching
From April 12th at the earliest pilot events will be taking place around the country, and as such you will hopefully start to see work beginning again. There will be no changes, so carry on booking your sessions it will be business as usual at the studio.
Amateur Musicians
While you may be able to go back to the shops and make appointments at hairdressers, unfortunately you will have to wait until step 3 to come back to the studio. Keep practising them scales and your stage craft in front of the mirror. Nearly there…

Step 3 – 17th May
Professional Musicians / Recording / Broadcasting / Streaming / Solo Musicians / Private Teaching
No changes, carry on business as usual.
Amateur groups
Welcome home the rest of you. As long as the rules of no more than 6 people per room are not altered you should be ok to return. We have restrictions on numbers in each room currently* but we will be reviewing these as the government restrictions are lifted. We will hopefully be able to increase numbers in each room but only when we feel it is safe to do so.
*Studio 1 = 5 persons, Studio 2 = 4 persons, Studio 3 = 3 persons, Studio 4/5 TBC
Step 4 – 21st June
Welcome back one and all. Hopefully we should have some sense of normality at this point. We shall of course keep a breast of any advice and restrictions as it is important that we retain a safe environment for you all to return to. We currently leave time between bookings to air the studios, have hand sanitiser available throughout the building and sanitise/clean studios and equipment thoroughly throughout the day.
There’s a lot of catching up to do so the quicker you book in, the better. In fact to help you guys a little we are going to throw you a couple of discounts when you book your rehearsal with us online.
If you are booking a session in for between now and 11th April we are offering a 15% discount on all rehearsals. Just go to http://brixtonhill.jammed.app and when you book type in SPRING15 before you check out.
If you are booking a session in for between 12th April and 31st July we are offering a 10% discount on all rehearsals. Just go to http://brixtonhill.jammed.app and when you book type in SUMMER10 before you check out.

*Please note that this is all subject to governmental review and if you have any questions or queries please give us a call on 020 8674 3065, email hello@brixtonhillstudios.com or if you wish you can contact me personally 07780 701047 or stephen@brixtonhillstudios.com
Brixton Hill Studios – Main SiteBrixton Hill Studios – Recording Website