May, the month, not the Theresa, is upon us and we can rejoice in more ongoing goings on from the Brixton Hill Studios camp. If you’re off on tour/got a gig, we’ve embiggened our hire stock, so give us a shout if you have needs.
This month’s blog comes with added Spotify playlist! Enjoy x
A quick catch up on April…. Some of you have been on the radio (get you Maurizio Ravalico), the lovely Blaenavon popped in to get match fit for their upcoming UK Tour which starts May 1st. We welcomed the return of sessions with School Ground Sounds who give additional musical opportunities to secondary school kids and young people in lower income areas of London. PLUS our beautiful studios got some music mag love:

The wonderful Fat White Family who’ve just released their third album ‘Serf’s Up’ on Trashmouth Records were pictured in our very own Studio 2 in, wait for it, Q Magazine…

…and those talented Dinosaur Pile-Up gents were caught rocking’ the faaack out of Studio 3 in Kerrang! – the trio also released the track ‘Back Foot’ this month which is a total banger, as the children say, with an accompanying video, which might just be my fave thing of 2019 so far.

Also on the music releases gravy train, Frauds put out ‘Canada Goose Step’ as part of DIE DAS DER Singles Club Volume 2 and Madonnatron released ‘Goodnight Little Empire’ whilst also gaining a 4 star review in Mojo for their new album ‘Musica Alla Puttanesca‘ which comes out on May 24th.
Hot Sauce Pony did a lush interview with 1883 in honour of the imminent release of their eponymous album on May 3rd, and former Eurovision hopefuls MAID release ‘Basic Bitch’ also on May 3rd.
We welcome back Alessio, who last month went off to Hong Kong to eat mystery meat, and Nick who done a tour round the Europe with his troupe Ham Legion and the delightful Dog Of Man. Both colleagues have since been busy in the studio…for example, while you were hunting Easter eggs, Nick was busy recording ‘Vive Les Futiles’ – Les Futiles‘ side of new split 7″ (with The Charlemagnes).
We wish the boss luck for his new monthly Stephen Evens residency at The Betsy Trotwood and we bid farewell to Lolo Wood, who regularly rehearses here with Ye Nuns. Lolo is well known amongst a huge collective of musicians in London and we will miss her terribly when she returns to Dublin this month.
Ye Nuns ft Lolo Wood (ctr) Stephen Evens’ new residency
Also, mid month there is Art Brut’s Top Of The Alcopops extravaganza at The Dome in Tuffnell Park, a whole feast of bands are playing including Dream Nails, the aforementioned, Frauds, Raketkanon, Gaffa Tape Sandy and The Lovely Eggs. Sounds firkin’ awesome dunnit?
Last but not least, we must mention a significant BxHs presence at The Great Escape 2019 (both official, alternative and unofficially alternative), so much so our beloved Johny Van has coined the 3 day festival ‘Brixton-On-Sea’, if you’re gonna be there, let us know, we can hang. BxHsers (past and present) performing include:
- Big Joanie
- Black Midi
- Blaenavon
- Declan J Donovan
- Fat White Family
- Ham Legion/Hot Sauce Pony/Hurtling and more (Louder Than War – The Great Alternative)
- Laura Misch
- Lion
- Pregoblin
And with that, I bid you adieu and leave you with a smattering more of live doings by BxHsers in May…
MAY 1 – Blaenavon, start UK tour in Dublin
MAY 4 – Hot Sauce Pony, Camden Rocks All Dayer
MAY 5 – Macadamia Sluts, Fiddlers Elbow, Camden
MAY 5 – The Little Unsaid, start UK tour in Saltaire
MAY 9 – Penya, NT’s, London Fields
MAY 10/11 – Great Escape/Alternative Great Escape, Brighton (see above for details)
MAY 11 – Modern Rituals w/ Kal Marks (US), DIY Space for London, SE15
MAY 11 – Rosie Alena, Hanwell Hootie Festival
MAY 12 – Big Joanie, Emily Breeze, Ye Nuns – all-ages mat, Lexington, N1
MAY 13 – Rosie Alena w/ The Accidentals (USA), Windmill, Brixton
MAY 17 – Art Brut, Top of The Alcopops, The Dome, Tufnell Park
MAY 29 – JOHN, The Lexington, N1
MAY 31 – Dog Race, Old Blue Last, Shoreditch
If you rehearse/have rehearsed at Brixton Hill Studios and have a gig/release you want us to feature on the site, please get in touch – or message us on twitter @BRXTNHILLSTUDIO